Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"G" is for One Gzonk!

This is another one of our favorite books. I can't help myself with ABC Books. When I see one, I usually like to check it out. They are all pretty much the same and re-use the same words for certain letters like"Q" and "X." So, when I saw this book, "G is for One Gzonk - an Alpha-number-bet Book" by Tony DiTerlizzi I knew we had to have it. 

If you know my Kidamerink, then you know he has a very silly sense of humor. He LOVES to make up words and say things that sound very silly to him, so this book was right up his Alley. We have read it a bazillion times now and it still doesn't get old. 

Check it out and have some fun getting to know what the "Krigglebink" is and the "Fly-Swatting Footzey-Foo." The "Xirzle" is a favorite along with the "Pink Peepee-Weepkins who sleeps soundly on the Loo..."

It's a twisted take on the Alphabet with great illustrations that will push your little Kidamerink's imagination even more!

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