Monday, September 5, 2011

Kidamerinks Moms: Me Time

As this is the first post in many to come, I want this section of this blog to be all about Moms. 

Most of us Mom's have become completely taken over by our kids...

Well, at least that is how I feel some days.

It's not a bad thing, its great actually. I love my little Kidamerinks to pieces and I'm extremely grateful that I get to stay home with them Full-Time now, but it is important to take time out for yourself as a person and individual. 

You may have seen this all over the "style" blogs, but... Oh.My.Word.

These hairstyles are to die for!! They are so cute.

My hair is just getting long enough to do some fun things with, and I am excited to try some out.

And to take the time to do them, since we (Mom's) deserve that time!

Check out this Hairstyle Handbook Here.

I've tried a few of these and have gotten a lot of compliments.
Go Get your Glam on!

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